Help to Help

September 8, 2015 2:46 pm Veröffentlicht von Schreibe einen Kommentar

Lately we heard about the ALVENI-Clearinghaus in Munich-Schwabing via a friend. Alveni is Esperanto and means: to arrive. The former school building just recently got converted into a primary accommodation for a max. of 56 refugee kids in the age of 14-16 years, coming from Syria, Afghanistan, or Eritrea. The main infrastructure for sleeping, eating, learning and playing is yet existing.
But there is still a lot to do. To make it a little friendlier, homelike and comfy place. We help them by painting the rooms and hallways, and are searching for partners who support this project with big plants for a green environment. Also Graffiti artists are more than welcome to come by and design some
walls. We provide paint and material.

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Dieser Artikel wurde verfasst von Peter

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